The Hobson Hub can be installed on Raspberry Pi in two primary ways:

Ubuntu Snappy Core

Coming soon.


Note: This was tested with Raspbian Jessie but other distros should be similar. The "Lite" version of Raspbian is all that is needed for Hobson.

  1. Install Raspbian to an SD card following the guides here:
  2. Insert the newly created SD card into the Raspberry Pi and boot it.
  3. Login as user pi with password raspberry.
  4. Make sure the Pi has Internet access and then install Java by running: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-jdk
  5. Copy the Hobson Hub generic UNIX tarball to the Pi in the pi user's home directory. For example using scp (and assuming your Pi's IP address is and you're installing the 0.8.0 version of Hobson): scp hobson-hub_unix_0_8_0.tar.gz pi@
  6. Change to the opt directory by executing: cd /opt
  7. Extract Hobson into the /opt directory. For example: sudo tar xzvf /home/pi/hobson-hub_unix_0_8_0.tar.gz
  8. Change to the new Hobson directory: cd /opt/hobson
  9. Run Hobson by executing: sudo ./Hobson&
  10. From another computer, use your web browser to navigate to the configuration wizard (again assuming your Pi's IP address is