Example Client Code
This is an example of using the WZWave library in a Maven-ized Java project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
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The Test Class
The test class will do nothing more than print what devices have been discovered on the Z-Wave network as well as when they report an update.
package com.test;
import com.whizzosoftware.wzwave.controller.ZWaveController;
import com.whizzosoftware.wzwave.controller.ZWaveControllerListener;
import com.whizzosoftware.wzwave.controller.netty.NettyZWaveController;
import com.whizzosoftware.wzwave.node.ZWaveEndpoint;
public class WZWaveTest implements ZWaveControllerListener {
private ZWaveController controller;
public WZWaveTest() {
controller = new NettyZWaveController("/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART");
public void onZWaveNodeAdded(ZWaveEndpoint node) {
System.out.println("Z-Wave node added: " + node.getNodeId());
public void onZWaveNodeUpdated(ZWaveEndpoint node) {
System.out.println("Z-Wave node updated: " + node.getNodeId());
public void onZWaveConnectionFailure(Throwable t) {
System.out.println("Something bad happened: " + t);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new WZWaveTest();
Getting Command Class Values
Devices on a Z-Wave network are represented as nodes. Each Z-Wave node has a set of command classes that represent their features and current state. By retrieving the Z-Wave command class(s) from a ZWaveEndpoint object, you can access this information. All Z-Wave nodes are supposed to have the Basic Command Class which is a sort of catch-all variable that means different things to different devices. For example, a light switch would most likely use the Basic Command Class to represent whether it was on or off (values: 0xFF or 0x00).
To get the current value for a node's Basic Command Class:
ZWaveEndpoint node = ...
BasicCommandClass bcc = (BasicCommandClass)node.getCommandClass(BasicCommandClass.ID);
Setting Command Class Values
In order to set the value for a node, you create a DataFrame object using a specific CommandClass class. You then send this DataFrame to the Z-Wave network via the ZWaveController object.
For example, let's say we have a light switch on our Z-Wave network as node 2 and we want to turn it on:
ZWaveController controller = ...
controller.sendDataFrame(BasicCommandClass.createSetv1((byte)0x02, (byte)0xFF));
Note that command classes are versioned and a device may support more than one version of the same command class. Thus, we call the createSetv1
method to indicate we want to create a DataFrame for version 1 of the Basic Command Class's set